Tuesday, October 19, 2010

ATokens what?

The ATokens is a new application that is similar to Entrecard advertising network only that with Entrecard, your blog is being promoted through advertising while ATokens is a social payment program or a virtual currency.  When paying, instead of using real money, ATokens are used.. Each token is equal to $.05. Tokens can be given as payment, donation, or as a form of appreciation or gift. ATokens stand for “Appreciation Tokens”. It’s like when you want to thanks somebody for reviewing your blog, or for following your posts, you can just click the atokens widget and give tokens. ATokens seem tempting because you can exchange tokens back to cash but they charge 10% fee or $1 upon redeeming and you can purchase tokens or you can earn them when you participate in any activities that ATokens is offering. Though I know that it will take time to earn and I’m not so sure how it will work, I am still giving it a try. Joining is easy. For more details about ATokens, please visit their website by clicking here or you can go to http://atokens.com.

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